Nicole Lovell



Nicole Lovell was a loving, much-loved 13-year-old girl. She was a helpful, cheerful member of her Blacksburg Middle School. Nicole always spoke to teachers and friends passing by, as she got her notebooks out of her top locker on the 7th grade hallway. Nicole loved to smile and laugh.

She could not stand any sight or mention of cruelty to animals. She did not like rudeness or cruelty in any form. She spoke out against gossip and bullying. She felt sorry for any classmate who acted mean.

Nicole loved her church and she loved to sing.

We are grief-stricken for Nicole's family and school friends and for the Blacksburg community.

Help Save the Next Girl's President and Founder, Gil Harrington, whose daughter Morgan was a Virginia Tech student, murdered in 2009, sent this Bedtime Prayer to Nicole's family within hours of their learning Nicole's fate:

Dear Lovell family,

We have just heard that the body of your precious daughter, Nicole, has been found, and will be brought to the medical examiner's office in Roanoke. That office is just a few blocks from our home, and our daughter also spent time in that place. Please know, that we are blanketing your beloved Nicole, and your entire family with prayer, and healing, during this most difficult time. Much love.


Gil and Dan Harrington


If you, a friend, or anyone you know needs assistance grieving, we implore you to seek help from a professional grief counselor at your school or in your local community.

If you have questions about personal safety, or at anytime you believe someone is in danger and in need of help, please contact your local police department.



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